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Essential Details for Birth Registration


When registering the birth of a child, the following information is typically required:

  • Birth date and location

  • Baby's name, surname, and gender

  • Parents' names, surnames, and addresses

  • Parents' birth dates and places

  • Date of parents' marriage or civil partnership

  • Parents' occupations

  • Mother's maiden surname

Note that the specific information needed may vary based on the person registering the birth.



What to bring when registering a birth


It is recommended to bring at least one form of identification when visiting the register office. Acceptable forms of identification include:

  • Passport

  • Birth certificate

  • Deed poll

  • Driver's license

  • Proof of address such as a utility bill or Council Tax bill

  • Marriage or civil partnership certificate

Additionally, it is a good idea to bring the child's personal child health record or "red book" as some registrars may request to see it. If you are registering the birth alone, you may need proof of paternity from the other parent before providing their information.



Organisations to notify after a birth


Having a child may have an impact on your taxes, benefits, and services from your local council.

The Tell Us Once service can be used to report the birth to the local council. The registrar will let you know if this service is available in your area.


When you attend a Tell Us Once appointment, you will be asked about the people who will be named on the birth certificate and any partners who live with them.

For each person, you will need to provide their address and phone number, date of birth or National Insurance number, and details of any benefits they receive or have applied for. If the Tell Us Once service is not available in your area, you will need to reach out to your local council  regarding your benefits and services.


Additionally, you can contact Jobcentre Plus to find out if any other benefits or support are available to you.



Post Birth Registration


You may be elgible to claim the following once you have officially registered the birth:



Birth Certificate Copy


You may also want to order a few extra copy of birth certificate for official purposes such as applying for a passport.





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